Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Happy To Be A Spoiled Generation

Electronics may be my favorite thing. I love having the newest and latest gadgets that do everything for you but brush your teeth. They are absolutely great. Some fit in your pocket and can give you information at the touch of a button. You can now have "someone" tell you turn by turn directions to anyplace in the world when you are all alone. You can take thousands of pictures and never change a roll of film. You can read an entire book without turning an actual page. This generation should never be lost, not be able to find the right answer, or miss the perfect picture because it is all possible with just a person's phone. My generation is spoiled by electronics. And I love least most of the time.

Everyone knows all electronics do one thing very well...BREAK. Some electronics break/die and are impossible to fix while others are simply needing a battery change or simple repair. In the world of electronics though nothing is ever a simple repair. I have grown up with gadgets my whole life and can fix most basic problems on anything that comes up. So when Emily's phone had the Apple symbol of death (see below) come up on her phone last night, I vowed to be her hero and fix it. Her phone would not respond to anything and I truly thought it was done for and I would be buying a new phone on Friday.

So what does someone my age do when things are not working and you think you have tried everything...that's right I turned to another electronic, my computer. Oh good ol' internet, how did the world survive before you? I searched the forums and found others who had fixed the same problem. It turned out the solution was simple, but the execution of the solution took me 2 hours. I was mad the whole time, hating all things electronics (as I searched the internet while I waited) because these things seem to break all the time.

I complain (with sarcasm) because I deep down love how much easier my life is because of these electronics. I am so glad I have an encyclopedia in my phone so I can look anything up on the spot. To have a GPS get me around construction in downtown Indy when I have no idea where I am. To have email that I can get a response from in minutes. Oh how easy my life has become because of those awesomely touchy and prone to break electronics. I sit here and day when I have kids they won't even know what a pay phone is.


  1. It's incredible the way technology has advanced in my lifetime...I can't even imagine what things will be like for your children! How much more instant can information get? Sure is nice most of the time, but VERY FRUSTRATING (as I can tell you from experience!) when it doesn't work! Glad you were able to fix her phone.

  2. I am a techhy wannabe...I don't know how I went without checking e-mail between class my first two years of school. A little ridiculous, but true.

  3. Glad someone can figure these things out!...all future questions will be directed your way ;)
