Saturday, September 4, 2010

Are We Really That Old??

Last Monday our sweet little Emily turned the big 26, and I am quickly approaching the same number. Has it really already been 26 years? We are actually becoming adults (Emily being closer to an adult than I am) and enjoying every minute of it, but still enjoy the benefits of being a kid.

Emily received some really awesome birthday gifts this year...from parents, parents-in-law, family/friend, and of course me. She got spoiled a little bit and enjoyed it very much. We both know to enjoy these birthdays now because soon we will be buying more birthday gifts than receiving, but that is how life works. But until then, thank you everyone for the made her still feel young. Below are a couple pictures of the awesome and generous gifts she received:

A week after Emily turned 26 she is already practically 27. It's awful getting "old", but having friends and family that care enough to send cards and gifts is always a blessing. So thank you very much for all the birthday wishes, you make our future years exciting and something to look forward to.


  1. 26 years sure have flown by for us too! Our baby girl is all grown up! Glad she enjoyed her special day.
    Love you!

  2. I can't believe you've already been deemed practically 27, Em. :D Glad you had a great birthday though...and I think I'll have to rent The Last Song sometime from the Whaley's Video Gallery.

  3. Happy Birthday, Emily - 26 years old! Hope you enjoyed your birthday...
