Friday, July 24, 2009

New Place - Part 2

Here is another step into our Bluestone Apartment. Just because I'm posting these pictures doesn't mean you shouldn't come over and check it out yourself! We love visitors!!!

When you walk in from downstairs we have a coat closet. As you can see, we have decorated the stairwell with Zach's collection of carved masks.

At the top of the stairwell is a built in desk...which we refer to as Zach's desk. This is where he keeps his computer and important school stuff. It was a very nice addition to the apartment!

Just around the corner is our little dining room. A lot of the time we eat in the living room together, but it is nice to have there. Right now it is collecting my school stuff to prepare for Jump Start at SHS.

And this is where we have spent a lot of time so far...the living room. We have a bookcase on the left side which isn't visible in the picture you can see everything else. We have enjoyed having 2 couches (thanks Grandpa Kenny) and love spending time together relaxing in the living room!

Stay tuned for the final part in our apartment tour tomorrow. I know how to drag it out and keep you suspensful..ha!


  1. looks nice....i look forward to seeing it in person tonight

  2. Looks cool...glad to hear that you are enjoying it!

  3. I'm a tad bit jealous;) It looks like you all have plenty of room. It's a bit larger than Anique and I's apt. Love you guys!
