Tuesday, May 18, 2010

God Sightings

Have you ever had something happen to you, either good or bad, where your first instinct is to recognize it as part of God's plan. Yeah, I know...not too often. Recently I have been doing it more and more. Our Sunday School class is on a mission for God sightings, those moments that stand out and show you God is in control.

I think He is the most difficult to "find" in the stressful, bad situations. It is easy to blame Him for not doing things, but to actually find Him in the situation is difficult. I think I never fully understood "God sightings" until yesterday morning. I finally found Him in a bad situation.

Emily's car died...

Emily woke up Monday morning to a car that wouldn't turn over, something we have feared for the last year. It has been starting to show its age, and it is becoming inevitable that it will soon need replacing. We have been trying to hold out until I finish school and we have some extra income. Fearing the worst Emily came inside crying and asking me what to do. In case you don't know me very well...I am NOT someone you would call a mechanic. I know about 6 things you do to a car and that is it...the biggies: oil change, wiper blades, headlights, brake pads, flat tires, and jumping a car. So I was out of my element.

I told her to take my car and we would figure things out when she got home. The first day of my summer vacation and I am stuck at home without a mode of transportation. I went outside after she left to see if I could "expertly diagnose" the car trouble. It was a battery problem, I was actually 100% positive...this one was right inside my wheelhouse. However, I have no idea what drained the battery because nothing seemed to be wrong. So when Emily got home, I jumped her car (go me), and we went to Walmart to get a new battery.

So, where is the God sighting? It was quite possibly the most convenient day ever for her car not to turn on. I didn't have class. I didn't have to leave. It was something easily fixable. It was actually a weird feeling for me...like her battery was intended to die that day. God even has a plan when it comes to a simple car battery. To me, I saw God yesterday...and He is in control of everything.


  1. Glad you saw the good in what could have been a major inconvenience. God is definitely in control.

  2. It's all in your perspective, Zach!!! I'm so glad you saw God in what was an aggravating and frustrating situation!

  3. Wow Zach! Thanks for the post! So encouraging and a reminder for me to look for God in the bad!

  4. Great God sighting Zach! I just realized most of mine last week were in good situations! It puts it into perspective that He is also present in the bad situations!

  5. Zach way to look at that situation with such insight!!! Thank you for sharing :) We love hearing from the Gray Whale-ys!
