Saturday, November 7, 2009

Sleeping Beauty

I have got to make this post quick before my cover is blown. Emily wouldn't like me sharing this secret information with you. Emily has a weekend addiction to... SLEEPING, or "daytime napping". I know it's not a crime, but she really does this EVERY weekend. I felt obligated to let you all in on her little dark secret. We sleep in on Saturdays usually until about 9am, so how can she be "soooo tired" by 12:30pm? That is the mystery.

Here is the proof:
This is what she is doing this minute as I write this. Sleeping again!! Can you believe her?

Actually, I can... I may be writing this with humor, but I understand and know she needs this rest. I give her a hard time about sleeping every weekend, but as you can see, I usually don't wake her. She is hard working and does so much for me during the week. She works with teenagers everyday... which should be enough to entitle her to a nap on its own, but she also helps cook, clean, and helps me with everything. The weight of the week adds up and by the weekend she just needs to lay down.

So, she may sleep a lot on the weekend, but she does so much during the week I have to let it slide. I guess in some ways I married famous... I married my "Sleeping Beauty".


  1. Aw, Zach...that's so sweet! And you're her Prince least until she reads this post! The girl's all tuckered out, I guess!
    Love you both, my fairy tale couple!

  2. It must be nice to sleep in until 9am!! Enjoy your naps and extra sleep now...when children come along, sleep deprivation becomes your new hobby.

    Great post...I'm sure Emily will be tickled with he pictures of her on the web!

  3. Zach this post is adorable!!! Definitely working with teenagers for the week and adding household duties on top of that can call for some good nap time. I hope Emily gets a good laugh from the post!

  4. Funny candid shots...and corny but clever with the whole "Sleeping Beauty" thing. See you guys in a few weeks.
