Monday, July 27, 2009

New Place - Final Part (3) I have drug it out long enough. We have finally had our first visitors last Saturday so our place is no longer a mystery. Thanks Mom, Dad, Kyler, and Kara for coming to check it out! Here is the last pictures of the new place.

This is from our small deck/patio looking at the inside of the apartment and also at the storage unit.

This is inside our storage unit. As you can tell, we filled it up pretty well!

At the end of our small hallway is our bedroom. This is as you look in the door.

View # 2 for the bedroom. The back white door is our closet (I'll spare you the picture!).

And last but not least...the bathroom. This is looking in through our door.

This is the second view of the bathroom. Okay...that's our new place drug out in as many posts as possible. I promise my next post will be about something new and exciting...okay...probably not but I'll try!


  1. You have such a nice place...I LOVE the tall ceilings! They make it feel so spacious. Glad you got all settled in before school next week.
    Love you! Mom

  2. Looks like a great space...

    Looking forward to seeing you guys this weekend in B-Town. It will be fun!

  3. Yikes! School starts next week. You better eat up every second of your summer vacation (I probably don't need to remind you).
