Friday, July 24, 2009

New Place

Zach and I decided awhile ago that we were going to move into another apartment. We were tired of the old place and wanted a change that would fit us better. We downsized to a one bedroom but it has more square footage and we can actually enjoy all of the space our apartment has to offer. It is a brand new apartment complex and we are the first residents in this unit which is an extra bonus. The next few posts will be pictures of our new place starting with the kitchen and laundry room for those of you that are curious!

This is what you would see after you walk up the stairs and make a left. We have lots of storage space and a nice basic oven/stove.

This is the other side of the kitchen. My two favorite parts are the double basin sink and that I can see the living room while doing dishes.

So...this is a little different but behind this curtain is our laundry room. It might be a little unclassy but we didn't know what else to do that would be as cheap so we used a curtain rod and one curtain to make a "door" to separate the kitchen and laundry/pantry.

This is directly behind the curtain. Zach bought and hung up those shelves for me so we have more storage for food. Isn't he just the best husband!?!

This is directly to the right. That cabinet was in our old place and we moved it here and then Zach hung more storage for food on the other wall.

Then on the left is our washer and dryer that Steve bought for us as an anniversary gift. And as you can see...I've filled up the shelving too!

This is the kitchen and laundry/pantry rooms. Stay tuned tomorrow for some more pics of the new apartment!


  1. Beautiful place! I love the counter tops!

    See you next week!

  2. Can't wait to see it in person! See you tomorrow!
    Love, Mom
