Sunday, September 18, 2011

Zach's Prep Work

First of all, sorry for being behind on posting (for our faithful followers) and second, read at your own risk. It is a little too much information about Zach and don't read if you don't want the specifics.

Lately Zach has had some minor medical issues...cysts to be specific. He has now had 3 but the second one was concerning to us because of the location. I'm not going to go into specific detail but lets just say it was located very close to an orifice that food escapes when processed and was a very painful cyst. It erupted a few weeks ago which sent Zach to the doctor for a closer exam.

When he went to the doctor to get it checked out they ordered a colonoscopy...something that doesn't usually need to be done until you are 50+ years old. I'll be the first to tell you that Zach is not excited about this, but also wants to make sure nothing more severe is behind this specific cyst.

When I got home a few weeks ago Zach told me when he scheduled the appointment so I can be there and showed me the paper that has his directions. Lets just say I feel sorry for Zach as he has to go through the prep work.

So yesterday Zach and I headed to Target for our weekly shopping trip and to pick up his supplies for Tuesday. First of all, he can't eat anything solid so he is restricted to broth, jello, or popsicles but nothing red (which we all know those are the best kind of jello and popsicles). Second of all, I didn't think I would have to visit this aisle for a long time (and for the record Zach was a little embarrassed I was taking these pictures).

Welcome to Target..haha!

But as we entered and started finding what we needed I noticed a God moment. EVERYTHING we needed from medicine to food was on sale. It was meant to be. Starting at 3:00pm the day before he has to take 3 laxative pills and a 14 day supply of laxative powder taken with 64 oz of gatorade/propel. Zach doesn't have the firmest stool to begin with (TMI) and I can only imagine what Tuesday afternoon/evening will be like for him. So it was a blessing to see things were on sale to make light of the situation as much as possible.
Not only were they on sale...they were on sale AS ADVERTISED. Now my question is, how many people are going to go out and buy these items? There are A LOT of options and plenty to choose from so I'm guessing not many. Also, we had to buy 25 laxative pills and Zach only needs 3 so if anyone needs any please let us know and we can help you out!

Zach is not really looking forward to this procedure but I think he is dreading the "prep work" the most!


  1. Such a unique post, Emily... you are getting way too much "enjoyment" out of Zach's predicament! Good luck with all that stuff!!! Hope everything comes out (ha, ha!) okay!!! :)
    Love you!
