Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Electrical, Plumbing, and Drywall

If you drive by the house there isn't much being done that you can see from outside but a lot has been done in the last two weeks on the inside.  All the electrical and plumbing has been ran...sidenote...I like how they color code the hot and cold water.  Bath tubs have been put in for two bathrooms upstairs.  And finally, drywall has been hung.  It has been busy inside the Whaley house!

 A view from standing in our kitchen to see the electrical and plumbing.

 Bathtub...I thought it was weird they installed this so early but I'm not a builder.

 View from inside our bedroom looking towards the hallway/loft.

 Laundry room and washer/dryer hookups.

 We have drywall!!!!  This is the view of the kitchen from the living room.

Looking into our garage from the edge of the kitchen.

Dana and I stopped by on Tuesday morning and the painters were in there working (sorry no pictures yet).  We can't believe how fast this whole process has gone as the house changes almost daily!


  1. EXCITING!!! Every day something'll be moving in before you know it! :)

  2. Closer and closer. Love seeing the progress.
