Sunday, March 28, 2010

When The Wife Is Away, The Boys Will Play...

Sorry for the long awaited post. Our lives seem so uneventful these last few months, same ol' routine repeated day after day. So why post now? Emily is on spring break and I am home alone. Certainly a change of pace for me, but I can't lie...I would much rather be with her right now. She is in Minnesota visiting "The Growing Gray Family", and enjoying time with the nephews. I am stuck here in Indiana going to classes, doing homework, and working on projects (see below).

This has been my idea of fun for the weekend. I built a suspension bowling system for a mentally challenged adult center to help encourage physical activity. It is a project for a community outreach class. I created a simple design and with the help of my friend Brandon we engineered this amazing pin resetter.

All you have to do pull up on the strings and the pins realign and set for the next throw. It isn't all that impressive, but I am quite pleased at how it turned out. I don't do many random projects when Emily is home, so this was a fun "boy activity" for the weekend.

And just to prove is level!!


  1. That looks like a pretty sweet little contraption. Looking forward to seeing you guys this weekend.

  2. Speaking for Karter: "Zach, Zach, Zach"...(or Gramaw says it sounds like "Yack, Yack, Yack")...I like your bowling pins! I'm keeping Auntie Em busy reading all 26 of the alphabet books!

  3. Glad to see it was level!

    That looks almost as fun as Wii bowling. :-)
