Saturday, October 31, 2009

Behind The Masks

Tonight many people will be putting on costumes, face paint, and even masks. Here in the United States it is only acceptable on one day of the year, but in many other countries and cultures it is very common. So common in fact, mask carving and dressing rituals have become almost an art that I greatly appreciate and have begun to collect.

Many of you may know I collect tribal handmade masks and that I enjoy the stories behind them. I thought today would be a great day to share my interest with others and show off my odd collection.
This mask was my first. My mom got it for me several years ago while on a cruise to the tropics. She thought they were interesting and got a mask for me and my brother. She bought this one in Barbados. The funny thing is that this mask is the one that started my collection, but the one my brother got was actually the one I thought was the coolest.
This mask is one of my favorites that I own. A special person (Emily) got it for my while on her spring break cruise a couple years ago. She searched for several days to find me the right one. I am very lucky she supports my collection.
I would say this one is my absolute favorite mask because of the colors and detail. It is very special to me because Terry (my mother-in-law) got this for me on her latest trip to India. It is only fitting to get an elephant mask from India.
This mask is interesting because the designs are stimpled on with dots of paint. I received this mask as a gift from Kim and Terry (parents-in-law) from their trip to Australia, New Zealand, and Tahiti.
I like this one because it is the first international mask I bought myself. I got it in Jamaica on our Honeymoon. The man I bought it from looked like the mask. I thought it was unique and definitely unlike any of the other ones I had.
This is my newest mask with the least exciting story. I got it last summer on vacation in Emerald Isle. It was at a gift shop and I wanted a new mask for the collection. It is part of my "American Mask Collection"
This is another mask that fits the American category. I also got this in Emerald Isle, but it hold the most meaning to me of all my masks. I got this the summer I proposed to Emily on vacation. It is an everyday reminder of the vacation; the greatest of my life.

These masks are used as decorations, but to me mean so much more. Each one has its own story, and most of the masks were made by hand and are completely unique. I don't wear too many masks these days for Halloween, but I have a few if I ever want to.


  1. Great post on a weird, okay UNUSUAL, collection.
    You might scare more than a few trick-or-treaters off tonight if you wore one of those when you answered the door! How fun would that be???

  2. Pretty cool collection...hope it continues to grow

  3. jim carrey would be proud. anique and i were looking at masks this past weekend and we thought of you both! your collection has grown since the last time i went to your apt.
