Sunday, August 14, 2011

Target Tantrum

We have now lived in the Fishers, IN area for 6 weeks and our local store of choice for shopping has become Target. We are finally near a nice Super Target and we are familiar with its set-up. We love their deals and Emily wanted a few things before heading back to school tomorrow, so we made a special trip. It was a wonderful trip until we went to checkout.

I want to preface the next portion of this post with an apology to anyone who may take offense to mild rule breaking...

We got into line "Express Lane: 10 items or less". As the picture below details, we did have 13 items. We both discussed the situation once we realized we were slightly over the limit, but agreed it should not be a big deal to anyone. We could have split the transaction and paid separately, but felt that would actually be slower than just the 13 item stretch of the limit.

The cashier was completely fine with the size of our did fit nicely into a single bag, except the delightful woman behind us did not agree with our transaction. She felt the strong compulsion to point out we had more than the allotted 10 items, and proceeded to insult our ability to count and expressed her distain for us for breaking this "serious item limit crime".

This woman was quite displeased that we would do such a thing when she was in such a hurry. She huffed and puffed and complained. She glared and name called. By any definition, her performance would be one of an oscar quality tantrum.

tan-trum: (or temper tantrum or tirade or hissy fit)is an emotional outburst, usually associated with children or those in emotion distress.

She tried to make us feel bad for slowing her down and breaking the firm "10 item or less law", but actually it made me sad. It makes me sad because she appeared happy with herself and that she smiled victoriously at us as she left the parking lot because she said something to correct a wrong in the world. I pray that she one day understands that there are far more important things in life than being upset at the grocery store.