Thursday, June 27, 2013

Framing and Windows

Tomorrow we have another meeting with the building supervisor before the drywall is installed and there have been A LOT of changes to our house in the last couple of weeks!  All of the framing is done, windows are installed, and the ductwork is being put in for the heating and air.  We can't believe how fast the house is going up but we're getting more excited each day!

Framing complete and house wrapped...ready for windows!

 View from the bottom of the stairs.'s a little scary walking up with no windows in yet.

 View from the top of the stairs.  Our bedroom will be the first room on the left.

 Our living room looking in from the foyer area.

 Upstairs ductwork being started.

 Zach in our bedroom where our bed will be put.

Windows's starting to look like our house!  Check back next week for more updates.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

48 Hours

This is our house as of 48 hours ago...yes you are looking at stacks of lumber. Multiple stacks of plywood, 2x4s, and house wrapping all sitting nicely in our future yard. On our way home from church on Sunday we stopped by to see the lumber that was delivered...

48 hours later it looks like this. They are laying the roof and finishing the framing. How quickly a house can go up.

On Monday, they finished the first level and got started on the second story. 

We had to stop by and take a tour once we knew they had started the framing. We thought it would go up fast, but this has been "un-stinkin-believable" fast.  

This our place as of 1:30pm on Tuesday. We can really see it all coming together. 

Saturday, June 8, 2013


On Tuesday and Wednesday the slab foundation was poured for our new home.  They hope to start framing this week pending weather!

 View from the side of our house

 Looking at the front of the house/street area

Check back next week for updates on the new house!