Well to start this off, I am very thankful today that I chose to move to Shenandoah! I knew it was the right move but when I found out today that 13 teachers were getting laid off and I would have been one of them made me feel like I made the right decision even more. God is so good...all the time!
Okay...now onto the post. There will be no pictures but only descriptions of what has been going on in my life the past couple of months. I'm sure most of you aren't interested but for those of you that are, here goes nothing.
I agreed in early November to help coach 6th grade girls basketball. The season was short, they needed me to help out, and the pay was good for the time put into it so I was game. Needless to say the season was VERY interesting. I totally forgot how middle school girls act. All I remember from middle school was crying EVERYDAY because of my brothers and dad making any kind of remark (nice or mean). Well let me tell you after being around middle school girls, I felt really bad for my mom having to deal with me 24/7. It is rough putting up with drama, attitudes, and girls constantly caring about their looks.
However, I did really enjoy the job after getting used to middle school girls. The girls are so willing to soak up your knowledge of the sport and really looked up to me because I was a "state champion". We all know I wasn't the star but these girls have NO clue! It was kinda nice to be thought of as a "legend" to these girls...but also funny knowing the truth.
I've also been really involved with some school activities like being on the handbook committee and having to work on textbook adoption. Somehow I can't say no and I'm wanting to make the best impression possible with my superiors. That has taken the rest of my free time up until practice started about every day. I enjoyed seeing how the school ran and doing things I'm totally unknowledge about.
The weekends have been spent grading, planning, and spending as much quality time with Zach as possible. He has been a great supporter through all of my teaching, coaching, and other activities this winter! Thanks to the best husband in the world...love you Zach!
Well...now it is on to spring! I'm going to enjoy coming home before 5:00 everyday and actually getting "me" time. What an interesting winter to leave behind and I hope you enjoyed my boring recap. Only 14 work days until Spring Break!