Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Field Perspective

Have you ever wondered what it would feel like to stand on the sidelines during an NFL game? I definitely have. I used to dream about being field level, especially for my Indianapolis Colts. I have always had a small dream to be an NFL photographer, but knew I would never land a sweet job like that in my lifetime. On Sunday, I got my one shining chance to finally live my dream.

Thanks to the amazing people at Canon and the Indianapolis Colts, I had the fan experience of a lifetime. I had a field access pass to the Jaguars' game during pre-game, 4 front row seats in the end-zone, and the use of a very nice pro quality 70-200mm lens to fit my newly received Canon Rebel T2i camera.

Here is just a taste of a few photos I took on my exciting day:

Yesterday, I was required to submit an action photo to Canon for the "Shoot Like A Pro" Contest. To see my entry photo and my competition for the Grand Prize, check out the website at: http://www.colts.com/sub.cfm?page=2010_canon

Thursday, December 16, 2010

A Good Day for the Whaleys

Although Zach and I are still sick and coughing like crazy, today was a great day at the Whaley household. To start it off, I found out that school was cancelled. Normally I don't like this because we have to make it up, but since I've been feeling miserable I knew it would be a day of nothing but relaxing. That hasn't happened in awhile and trust me that's all I did!

Also, Zach took his last final EVER today! I was worried about the weather, but it was timed perfectly. His final wasn't until 11:00 so he was able to leave after rush hour once the roads were a little clearer. When he came home he said it was the hardest one he took this week and we found out later he got a 95 A on that final (just a little bit of info for you in case you wondered). Only one more semester left and he's officially a PT!!!

To top off the day, Zach received his "SPECIAL GIFT" today from the UPS man. Yesterday they tried to deliver it but no was here to sign for it. But since I didn't have work, I was able to be here to sign for it and not have to have it delivered to the office and go through that extra hassle. Below is a picture of what he received inside the box.

A Canon Rebel T2i camera kit, camera bag, 2 SD cards, 4 tickets to the Colts game Sunday and a parking pass to Lucas Oil's garage. He was so excited and so was I (even though he is the one who won). But I got really excited when I looked at the tickets...

In case you can't see that is Section 117, ROW 1. That's right...were in the very first row at Lucas Oil on Sunday right next to the endzone!!! We are both pumped for the game and excited to try out our camera. Thanks again "Canon Shoot Like a Pro"...and for Zach applying every single day for the last 2 years!!! It was definitely a good day for the Whaleys.

Friday, December 10, 2010

No More Lectures

I am not yet officially done with graduate school. I still have 19 weeks of being a student, but it sure does feel over. I am down to a week of finals and 18 weeks of clinicals and then I am Dr. Whaley. I have now completed my very last lecture. No more 8am classes. No more fighting to stay awake listening to someone talk about gait for the 300th time in 3 years. I am done with classes.

Yes, everyone has that day in their life where they never have to go to class again, but I never thought my day would come. I have been a student for 20 years...if you include kindergarten. That is a rather large chapter of my life that I will be happy to finally close.

I am writing this with some hesitation because I am leaving a place I just started to feel comfortable in. I will no longer see the faces of my "friends/classmates" that I have come to know quite well. It is kind of bittersweet to say goodbye to these people because they have been there for me and understood what I have been going through. Below is the future of Physical Therapy...Heaven help us!!

Saturday, November 20, 2010

The Yellow House in Maxwell

Most of you (my faithful followers) have seen the house in Maxwell, IN that has the clown in the upper right hand window waving at you as you drive by. Mom has been telling me I should do a post about it because 1) it is something to write about and I don't post enough and 2) who has a clown in their room waving at people who drive by?!?

I think about it every time I drive by, but don't have the camera with me or don't have time to stop and take a picture (I know that isn't a good excuse but I'm sticking with it). Well last week as we drove by the house we saw something different. So last night I told Zach we're getting up early to drive into Maxwell to take a picture of the house.

Here is the entrance to Maxwell, IN...pretty exciting I know. I've always wanted to stop at "Mom and Pops" just to check it out but that is beside the point!

As you get through Maxwell, there is this nice yellow house that looks inviting until you look up the upper right window. I usually see a clown waving at me which is creepy in itself but ever since Halloween this is what you see...
The Grim Reaper waving at you. I know it is hard to see (it was foggy this morning and my camera doesn't have very good zoom) but who has one of these?!? I thought the clown was creepy and weird but this is even stranger! Who would want to visit someone with this in their window upstairs...but maybe that is their point.

But maybe they do it so people like Zach and I will notice and tell everyone else which will then check it out for themselves and tell everyone they know, etc, etc. I now can't drive through Maxwell without checking out the upper right window in the yellow house. Someday I'd like to stop and meet the people who own the house, but for now I'm content at just looking in their window and imaging what kind of people they are while staring the Grim Reaper in the eyes!

Friday, October 29, 2010

The hardest job I've ever had to do...and failed trying!

This Thursday and Friday I've been on Fall Break from school. I really needed this break after volleyball has taken up so much of my time. I enjoyed getting home at a decent time on Wednesday and on Thursday I had to go over to mom's to put together a dvd from Brandon and Amy's wedding. So on Thursday when we were finished, I went with mom, Dana, and the boys to Pizza Hut buffet in Anderson (since it was only $4.99 a person).

In order to only have to take one vehicle mom or I had to crawl in the back of Dana's van. Mom quickly said I could do that and I agreed. However, I didn't know I'd have a job to do when I got back there. My job was to keep Kaden from falling asleep. On the way there, that was no problem. He was giggling at me while I was acting crazy and playing with his toys. Job completed successfully!

However, on the way home was another story. That boy had just eating A LOT and then the van was nice and cozy. Who wouldn't want to fall asleep?!? I did okay until about Middletown and then it all went downhill from there.

So I moved from where I was sitting and starting tickling Kaden thinking that would help since his eyes were about closed. By the time we hit 400 W his eyes were SHUT but he was still giggling while I was tickling him. It has to be the cutest thing I've ever seen. Mom handed me her small camera and I took a couple of pictures which are posted below.

Aren't these precious? I loved the giggles even while he was asleep. This was by far the hardest job I've ever had to do and failed trying, but I loved hanging out with the boys for a few hours on my fall break!

Friday, October 22, 2010

Fall Is A Beautiful Time For A Wedding

Let me just tell you...I really love Indiana in the fall, having great friends, and seeing two them get married on my birthday. The weekend of Oct. 2nd was one I will never forget. It marks my 26th birthday, my first best man speech (which I rocked if I might add), and is now the anniversary of my best friends Brandon and Amy Downer.

The wedding was held in Montgomery IN. For those of you who don't know where that is...you are not alone. It is down in southern Indiana about an hour outside of Bloomington. It is where Amy grew-up and where she wanted to get married. The drive from Greenfield was quite long, but the scenery was beautiful. As the following picture will show.

It was of course a fall themed wedding; with shades of brown, orange, yellow, and red all around. Amy was beautiful like most brides are, Brandon was calm like most grooms are, and the wedding went off without a hitch like most well planned weddings do. It was just a wonderful day and a ton of fun had by all. Here are a few pictures to enjoy, so you may share in the moments of a great fall day.

The Table Arrangements

The Cake Table (with hot apple cider, a cake made by Amy's sister, and individual cupcakes)

The Gang

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Really? Was that...NO WAY!!!

Have you ever had one of those, "I wish I had my camera out for that" kind of moment? I had one of those today. I rarely carry a camera with me on campus because honestly I never see anything that exciting. Between the two of us, we have 3 digital cameras (of varying quality) and 2 phones that take pictures. So then why today would I have no camera and a phone that I couldn't reach fast enough? I guess God wanted to surprise me with something awesome, but not allow me to have proof.

I saw something on campus today that I can honestly say I never expected to see. My cell phone was in my pocket and I just barely got my phone out for a picture and it was gone. I swear I tried for the picture, but I am just not that fast. I don't think too many people are that fast...

Ok, I know, enough with the build-up...

I saw a black Indy Series Indy car driving down New York St. in downtown Indianapolis. That was a little unexpected. Everyone on the street just stopped and looked at the car drive past. I didn't even think they were street legal. It is an Indy car...that I was 5 feet away from and couldn't get a picture. I think it was past me in like .03 seconds and out of sight in 5 seconds. By the time I processed what I saw it was too late.

I have always hated racing. I have never understood the obsession in Indiana. I have never had the desire to go to the Indy 500. I think racing is stupid and designed for simple minded people to be entertained. It is a hillbilly "sport" where everyone in the stands drinks excessively. It is a waste of time and money. It is dangerous and a great way to break your neck. The cars look like little toys with engines. They are loud and annoying (both fans and cars). Racing is just plain not my thing...BUT, wow. That was kind of cool to see.

Interesting Fact:

RACECAR is my personal favorite palindrome, but did you know the longest palindrome in the English language is: tattarrattat used for the sound of a knock on the door. Yes, I know I'm a dork...who really has a favorite palindrome?

Monday, September 13, 2010

Hancock County Sites

Well if you didn't already know, I'm a little bit like my dad. I might look like my mom and have a similar personality to her but my mind works like my dad's. I love math and think very logically. I also love to try new routes home from work/parents' house/church. I get tired of the same old thing and like to venture out.

Zach had decided to do that one day because I always do it and thought I'd be fun (and because he was tired of following people). Much to his surprise he found some interesting sites that he said I would love. So on Sunday after church he took me on the tour so I could take pics with my new camera. Below is what we found on the back roads home.

On a road that is barely traveled we came across this house. I told Zach that he could buy that for me anytime.

Here is a little better picture of it. I'm not sure it fits in rural Hancock county. What do you think?!?

It even has it's own lake. I'd call it a pond but it is HUGE. This picture doesn't do it justice.

It even has it's own security system to get into the driveway. If you know me I don't mind fences as long as they go around the property and it does! When I was showing mom these pictures she asked if there was a place for her to live and I told her she could live in the house next door...which is pictured below!

HAHA...love this little place but not quite as nice...HAHA!

Then we drove a little further and found this gate. Zach and I decided this house must be great (even though it is hidden by trees) but the best part is what is grazing in its front yard...

That's right...a ZEBRA! Who owns a zebra?!? Seriously!!!

A closer picture even though I'm sure I was trespassing on their property.

Across the road from the zebra house was this other very nice place. I told Zach if he couldn't afford the other one, I'd settle for this one (he thought I was super funny).

After that strip of houses and wondering who owns them we were on our last trek to the outskirts of Greenfield and saw this plane. Thought you might enjoy this picture.

Good ole I-70! Needless to say I loved the detour and it was a relaxing Sunday afternoon drive through rural Hancock County, IN!

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Are We Really That Old??

Last Monday our sweet little Emily turned the big 26, and I am quickly approaching the same number. Has it really already been 26 years? We are actually becoming adults (Emily being closer to an adult than I am) and enjoying every minute of it, but still enjoy the benefits of being a kid.

Emily received some really awesome birthday gifts this year...from parents, parents-in-law, family/friend, and of course me. She got spoiled a little bit and enjoyed it very much. We both know to enjoy these birthdays now because soon we will be buying more birthday gifts than receiving, but that is how life works. But until then, thank you everyone for the gifts...it made her still feel young. Below are a couple pictures of the awesome and generous gifts she received:

A week after Emily turned 26 she is already practically 27. It's awful getting "old", but having friends and family that care enough to send cards and gifts is always a blessing. So thank you very much for all the birthday wishes, you make our future years exciting and something to look forward to.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Happy To Be A Spoiled Generation

Electronics may be my favorite thing. I love having the newest and latest gadgets that do everything for you but brush your teeth. They are absolutely great. Some fit in your pocket and can give you information at the touch of a button. You can now have "someone" tell you turn by turn directions to anyplace in the world when you are all alone. You can take thousands of pictures and never change a roll of film. You can read an entire book without turning an actual page. This generation should never be lost, not be able to find the right answer, or miss the perfect picture because it is all possible with just a person's phone. My generation is spoiled by electronics. And I love it...at least most of the time.

Everyone knows all electronics do one thing very well...BREAK. Some electronics break/die and are impossible to fix while others are simply needing a battery change or simple repair. In the world of electronics though nothing is ever a simple repair. I have grown up with gadgets my whole life and can fix most basic problems on anything that comes up. So when Emily's phone had the Apple symbol of death (see below) come up on her phone last night, I vowed to be her hero and fix it. Her phone would not respond to anything and I truly thought it was done for and I would be buying a new phone on Friday.

So what does someone my age do when things are not working and you think you have tried everything...that's right I turned to another electronic, my computer. Oh good ol' internet, how did the world survive before you? I searched the forums and found others who had fixed the same problem. It turned out the solution was simple, but the execution of the solution took me 2 hours. I was mad the whole time, hating all things electronics (as I searched the internet while I waited) because these things seem to break all the time.

I complain (with sarcasm) because I deep down love how much easier my life is because of these electronics. I am so glad I have an encyclopedia in my phone so I can look anything up on the spot. To have a GPS get me around construction in downtown Indy when I have no idea where I am. To have email that I can get a response from in minutes. Oh how easy my life has become because of those awesomely touchy and prone to break electronics. I sit here and think...one day when I have kids they won't even know what a pay phone is.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

My 2nd Encounter with the "Short" Bus

So last spring I had to take a test to drive the mini bus at school. Growing up we always thought the only kids that rode the short bus were the special ed students. I don't even know where that came from but it is definitely not the case! In May I took a group of National Honor Society students to a camp to help out underpriviledged kids. Mr. S told me since it was my first trip he would give me the "good" bus. I had no problems and I did fine.

This past week there was a JV volleyball game away and since the varsity wasn't going I was told I had to take one of the mini busses. I didn't really mind since I had done it before, but let me tell you this trip did NOT go as smoothly!

First off, they gave me BUS #39...one of the new busses. I thought awesome until I found out it has a alarm system. There are instructions on how to turn the alarm off but they aren't very clear. Needless to say I had the alarm go off 3 times on the trip. Once at NC and twice at SHS. Not only does a small alarm beep, if you don't turn it off in enough time then a car alarm goes off...lights and horns going crazy until you finally can figure out what step you missed and get it turned off. VERY FRUSTRATING!

I think by the 3rd time I had to turn the bus off I got better at figuring out what I had to do in enough time. I did have to take the same bus out on Saturday and I had a much better experience. Lets just hope I don't have to drive the "short" bus too many times because I think the operator is a little overwhelmed when things don't go as planned.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Curbside Capital

Just sit right back and you'll hear a tale, a tale of my hometown. Logansport, IN population ~19,350 is the place I called home for most of my life. It is a relatively small town, comparable to New Castle in size. Logansport is nothing like it use to be back in the olden days...it was originally a bustling railroad town much larger than Lafayette. It was also a port town, being that it is located on 2 rivers; Eel and Wabash. The city was founded in 1826 by Captain Logan...it was originally named Logan's port, but eventually the name adapted to one combined word.

Logansport is home to the most complete Dentzel Carousel in the United States, the oldest school mascot in the state of Indiana: Felix the Cat, and the very first 4-cylinder automobile engine. The small town has a historic past, but a pretty dismal present and future. Unfortunately it is a vanishing city, but one I will always call home and have great memories of.

For years the community would celebrate its past with an annual Iron Horse Festival to remember the old railroad days. A place I spent many a summer growing up. We have a drive-in theater, 2 car hop hotdog stands, 3 homemade ice cream parlors, 2 homestyle diners, 3 old fashioned barber shops...it is a classic city in present times. The town never really grew up with the times, never changed...it is still embracing its past. That is what I love the most about my hometown. I can always come back and those small slices of Logansport are still there, even when nothing else is.

Summer is never the same without a hotdog from B&K hotdog stand, a milkshake for Sycamore, and a double feature at the Skyline drive-in. Ask any person from Logansport what they like the most about summers in their childhood and they will all say the same. We are a unique breed of people, but we all realize that the small joys of summer are what makes you always come home.

Famous people from Logansport:
-Kenesaw Mountain Landis: First Commissioner of Baseball
-Samuel P. Bush: Patriarch of the political Bush family
-Greg Kinnear: Actor
-Aaron Heilman: Pro pitcher
-Dr. Greg Bell: 1956 Olympic Gold Medalist
-Tony Hinkle: Inventor of Orange Basketball (former Butler coach)

Thursday, August 5, 2010

A Taste of the Real World

Hancock Regional has been the place I call home for the last six weeks. They gave me a taste of the real world, 8am-5pm working 40 hours/wk. The down side...I paid them for my time, but I did get a good education. I had a great Clinical Instructor, CI for short, that taught me the ropes at Hancock Regional.

I worked in the IRU, Inpatient Rehab Unit, which consists of intensive rehabilitation. It is 9 bed unit that requires 3 hours/day of combined therapies: occupational, physical, and speech. There are only certain medical diagnosis that make the requirement for the unit, but trust me..you don't want to know the details.

I had some great patients while I was at Hancock, none of which I am legally allowed to talk about...kinda makes it sound like I am CIA or something. The whole staff I worked with was great, and they all seemed to like me. I really enjoyed my time and may look at Hancock Regional as a place of employment after I graduate.

I am now about to enter into my last semester of course work before my last semester of clinicals. I should find out soon my future clinical destinations and will keep you all posted as I am informed. I am excited to see the end of the tunnel and have a little more than a taste of the real world.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

I love being Aunt Emmy!

I never knew how much fun being an aunt was until about 2 years ago when Karter was born! I just LOVE spending time with him whether it is reading, singing, playing, eating, etc. And then in February I became an aunt again (if that is possible) to Kaden and man he is SOOO sweet! This past Friday they were at my parent's house and I couldn't pass up spending time with the two cutest boys in the whole world (and of course my fun sister-in law Dana). Below are some pics of the day courtesy of my mom.

Karter loves to read and he loves his Elmo. It is so cute when he kisses Elmo throughout the book! It is just so fun when Karter sits on your lap and enjoys every book you read.

After lunch it was time for a nap. Dana told Karter to pick out a good book to read while she got his blanket and his elephant. Karter picked out an "I SPY" book and said "Emmy read it please." How could one resist?!? So I held Kaden and Karter (along with his Elmo backpack) and we read the book together. Let me tell you that boy knows his stuff! He is definitely SO smart for a 2 year old (not that I'm biased or anything)!

Never knew it could be so fun to hold two kids and read a book to them! Aren't they adorable?!? Dana, I admire your patience and how much time you have spent teaching Karter.

Isn't Kaden sweet after a nap...or all the time!!!

Love this little guy!

After naptime it was time to play on the "Toys". Karter loved every second of it!

Thanks Dana for driving over so that I had a chance to spend a day with my two sweet nephews. I just love being Aunt Emmy! Can't wait to spend a week with them at the beach!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Friday Night Fun/Fiasco

This past Friday Zach had planned for us to go the the Hancock County 4-H Fair. Since we haven't gone in the past 2 summers we've lived in Greenfield I thought it would be a fun free evening. For my Middletown family, it is a combo of the Middletown Fair and the Henry County 4-H Fair...so very trashy in a lot of aspects. The Hancock County Memorial Hospital had a booth so I got to meet some of Zach's coworkers and then we walked around.

Photo #1...do you notice what is in the background?!?

That's right...it's a mechanical bull! You can ride this for $6 but Zach and I passed. I've just never seen one of these before that weren't in movies. Thought it was interesting.

After we had looked around at everything (we weren't into riding rides) I thought we needed a lemon shake up and a lion paw (Lion's Club version of an elephant ear). While we were eating, Kara and Kyler called and said they were headed to Greenfield and thought we could meet up.

So we told them we'd meet them at O'Charley's for dinner and then just come back and watch a movie. Well here is where the fiasco part of the story comes in. I ordered a panini and the waiter brought out a pasta dish (it looked disgusting too). He took it back and then brought out the same thing and said it was a panini...it OBVIOUSLY wasn't. He finally agreed and said he'd bring my order right out. Fifteen minutes later and everyone else finished, I got my meal which I proceeded to take home and eat later!

It is definitely hilarious looking back on it and Zach and I had a great Friday night at the fair and with family! Thanks Kyler and Kara for making our night extra interesting!

Monday, July 12, 2010

Love Hurts

On Saturday after it stormed for about an hour, our friends Brandon and Amy asked us if we wanted to go to the pool. Zach thought we were crazy but went because I wanted him to go. The water was warmer than we anticipated and had a good time until...Zach got hurt!

Zach was tossing Brandon using his hands as a lift. Everyone has done this before so I never thought it would cause such a painful injury. Zach had his fingers interlocked and when Brandon was launching off his hands, Zach's finger got stuck under his wedding ring and ripped the skin off and pretty deep. The first picture above is of the injury and the second picture is of the skin that was ripped off (gross I know but when we first found it it was wrapped around his wedding ring and I had to take a picture).

I knew I needed to document pictures, so Brandon and Amy helped Zach cover his wound with the first aid kit while I took some pictures with my phone. I knew it must have hurt when I saw Zach's face in the pool but I didn't know it would be as bad as it was.

He's such a trooper but he told me later that "love hurts". He went to the pool out of "love" and the symbol of love, his wedding ring, is what ripped his skin off with. Sorry Zach and I hope it feels better soon!