Sunday, August 30, 2009

Who wouldn't want me as their teacher?!?

So...first of all we apologize for not updating the website earlier than this. However, I have been VERY busy the past week with not only school but also volleyball. I realize this is no excuse but I chose sleep and lesson planning over posting on the website. I'll try to do better in the future...

Moving jobs/schools was definitely a good choice for me as I have really enjoyed my time thus far. The worst part of teaching in my opinion is the decorating of the classroom. I don't have must creativity and I lack motivation. It is just something I DO NOT enjoy. This is where Zach comes in. He is such a good support system AND he willingly helps decorate my classroom every year. The first picture is the before and the following 3 are pictures of my room now.

Zach's creativity at work...doesn't it look wonderful!

The only thing I take care of desk. I try to keep it clean but as you can tell it needs some work!

Friday after teaching. Who wouldn't love to be in my classroom as a student?!? Doesn't this look like the best classroom in the school?
With the first few days of school down I have realized I have lots of good classes and students. However, one of my classes is just way over the edge. They constantly have stories, excitement, and they LOVE to get me off task. But they always get homework so I don't seem to mind because who doesn't love laughing at the end of the day.
One student in particular always makes me laugh. She is short, has a good sense of humor, and always "mothers" everyone in class. Her feet don't touch the ground and she swings them as she listens in class. Although the students and myself give her a hard time, she always gives one back to us and I laugh the whole time. She is pretty witty for a 4'8" senior girl....and she loves her Ricker pop! Oh such a good time...
School and volleyball monopolize my time, but I'll try to update again as soon as possible!

Monday, August 17, 2009

Are you ready for some football... Here are a few of my favorite pics from the game, with a little commentary.
Running out onto the field
The Vikings started the game on offense. The Colts made a few plays, and also let up some points. The Vikings started out the game with a TD and finished the game with a total of 13 points.

When the Colts took over on offense they struggled. The line couldn't hold anyone and the defense was blitzing. I had a few pictures of Manning being sacked, but they were too sad to show. The one highlight was the play of the RBs. Both backs looked great and appears we will have a solid running game this year.

They tried out a new place kicker for the game. He made one of 2 attempts and put up the Colts only 3 points. The backup kicker does not have much power (missed a 44 yarder by about 3 yards short) so lets hope Vinateri stays healthy.

The new punter has power... he is no Hunter The Punter, but I think he will do.

Manning only played 6 snaps, I think we will play better if he sees a few dozen more a game.

I will leave you all with an image of what I expect to be a staple around Colts Nation for much of the season. Until next kickoff...Go Colts!!!

Sunday, August 16, 2009

It's Good To Be A Colts Fan

We recently had the chance to go to see the Colts in their preseason home opener game on Friday August 14, 2009. It was the Colts vs. Vikings, Manning vs. Peterson...or the battle of the second strings, but it was still an awesome game. It was awesome thanks to the great parents/parent-in-laws we have here in Colts country. Kim was able to get us tickets through Anthem for their box seats. I know, great way to start football season right? You don't know the half of it...amazing.

*The great family that brought us to the game...Thanks Kim and Terry, love you guys!!!*

*The amazing view of the field*

We liked (loved) the seats...

and the food

So, the Colts didn't have the greatest game in the world. We lost 3-13 and Manning was sacked in 3 of his 6 snaps, but it is only preseason. It was still the greatest game I have been to for any sport. I think it was the mix of great scenery, great family, and amazing food. We are truly blessed to have had such an amazing opportunity, and the family to share it with.

I am planning a future post of the game action shots I took in the next couple of days, so more details are to come. I captured some really fun action shots I think everyone can enjoy.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

30 Years In The Making

So I recently spent the last few days with my dad and 9 of his old navy buddies. They got together again after 30 years of not seeing each other. Oh the stories they had to share. I wanted to go along just to see if all of my dad's stories I heard growing up were true. I needed witnesses to the so called crazy antics of his military days. Turns out his stories were true, and he even left some good ones out that he couldn't remember but others could.
The above picture is my dad in a cut-out at the Naval Museum in Norfolk, VA where he was stationed. The bubble in the picture says he is a storekeeper, the position my dad held on his ship. He was on the USS Edenton, a salvage ship, that was deployed from the Amphibious Base in Norfolk. He was in service for a total of 4 years and was happy when he finally got out. As happy as he was to get out, he did make some great friends.
The above picture is of a 3 masted schooner that we took for a tour of the Naval Bay and the ships that were docked in the harbor. Below are some of the ships.
When all the guys got together the chaos began. These guys are crazy, but honestly some of the nicest, caring, and insightful men I have ever had the pleasure of meeting. I walk away from this trip with wisdom given from men who have tried it all and learned life the hard way...

It was a trip I will never forget. I learned about my dad's Navy days and met the men who helped make him who he is today. These guys all became men together while on that ship, but many stayed boys at heart. They shared a bond I may never fully understand, but have to respect and appreciate.
I also learned what NAVY means... Never Again Volunteer Yourself (I thought it was funny).

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Saturday August 1st...oh what an adventure!

I wanted to give myself time to settle down from this past weekend and get school started with before I gave my two cents on the wedding weekend. As most of you know, one of my younger brothers Kamaron got married this past weekend to the love of his life Anique. They both looked very happy together and I wish them the best as they start their lives together in Kansas City!

What was meant to be just a fun day where I could celebrate, turned into an adventure to say the least. My job on Saturday was to drop Zach off at the church at 10:15 for pictures so that I could meet Imogene to get the cake set up at the reception hall. When I arrived at the church, I was in a very good mood. Then I found out that plans had changed slightly as I found out I was going to have to go to the Union first to meet Dana to get the key. I was suppossed to already know this but somewhere it was lost in translation. But no big deal... I had plenty of time....until....

I went into the men's bathroom (since the women's was occupied by Anique and her bridemaids) with Zach so he could help fix my dress and when Zach was zipping it up the zipper got off the track and got stuck. After hearing "oh no" I tried not to freak out but when I figured out what happened I wasn't too happy. So I took off the dress and tried to fix it myself. When I got really frustrated because I couldn't, I asked/cried/got angry with Zach to get my mom. There I am in the men's bathroom with no dress on but a tank top, underwear, and dress shoes (quite comical looking back on it). Well after mom looked at the dress, we figured out that there is nothing that could be done except sewing me up...with a small sewing kit...not gonna happen!

Well with the back on my dress completely open, my "bite me" underwear, and no sweater I had NO CLUE what I was going to do. But even though I was getting hysterical, mom stayed calm and safety pinned me, gave me her sweater, and sent me off to Kohl's to find a new outfit so I can be back to the church in less than an hour for pictures. This is totally going to happen (haha)!

Well Zach drove me to Kohl's (keep in mind he is completely dressed to the T all ready for pictures while I am basically hanging out of the back with only the tops of my underwear showing). We were on a mission. Zach was a real trooper and we looked for every dress that I could wear a regular bra with and were in my size. Then I went for a skirt and top option which turned out to be the best. But there was still a shoes I brought were brown and my new outfit was black.

So we headed to the shoes area where we looked at EVERY SINGLE black dress shoe and couldn't find a single 9 or 9.5. Actually there was nothing bigger than a 7. So I settled on a flip flop that kind of matched my outfit (not really but it was the best I could do). Then it was time to check out where I paid WAY TOO MUCH for the outfit but what was I to do.

The checkout lady was about as slow as they go and said she liked the outfit I had chosen but liked my dress better and that I should just wear it. This was immediately after I told her that my zipper broke. We made it out of the store, I cheered up, left mom an interesting voicemail, and headed back to the church. Luckily Zach didn't miss any pictures, but I felt awful because I missed the cake and mom had to miss Kamaron and Anique's first sighting. Needless to say, my Saturday morning was eventful. The rest of the wedding went well and reception was crazy at first but once we started dancing it was all in the past. At least I can tell you this...I have MANY memories from this wedding that I'm sure I'll laugh on a lot and will never forget. Thanks Zach and mom for everything! (Sorry I have no pictures of the wedding/reception to share!)

Monday, August 3, 2009

Almost Back to Normal

Sorry it has been so long since we've posted but last weekend was crazy to say the least. But with vacation over, the wedding over, and it is now August, it is time to get back to "normal". Today I started jump start at the school and also had 2-a-days for volleyball. So my work schedule will be from 8-3 til the end of May (minus school vacations). Summer was awesome but I'm always glad when things get back to normal. So as school is about to start back up, I'm wishing the best not only for Zach and myself but also for everyone else out there! I'll try to post again this week once I get my classroom decorated so you can see where I'll be teaching this year!